What happens when I press the Dashcam's event button?

The event button lets the driver manually create a Dashcam Event video.

Press and hold the camera button in for 2 seconds to manually trigger an event. The Dashcam will save a 15 second clip including the 7 seconds prior to the button press and the 7 seconds after the button press. 

A Dashcam event will be saved in the vehicle's activity feed on the website, and a notification will be sent to any carrier admins with notifications enabled.

The event video will be available for download in the Blue Ink Tech app about 4-6 minutes after the button was pressed, and available for upload to the website like any other Dashcam event.



Pressing the camera button while the Dashcam is asleep will wake it up without having to start your vehicle's engine. This won't trigger a driving event or alert, but the camera will record for about 45 seconds before going back to sleep.