Three rules for claiming Adverse Conditions

Adverse Conditions allows an additional two hours of shift and drive time when drivers encounter unexpected delays, but keep these three rules in mind:

  1. The 2-hour extension applies to the 11-hour drive clock and the14-hour shift clock, but the cycle clock is not extended.
  2. Adverse Conditions can only be used to get to safety, or to finish a run that could have reasonably been completed without a violation, under normal circumstances.
  3. Only unexpected or unusual events qualify. It doesn't count if you knew about it before being dispatched, like a forecasted weather event, or if you could have planned a route around it, like normal rush-hour traffic delays.

Three steps for claiming Adverse Conditions in the Blue Ink Tech app


  1. Tap the green plus sign in the bottom-right of the Hours of Service screen, then choose Adverse Conditions from the menu (the blue circle with the +2hr). If you're driving, tap the blue +2 button at the bottom of the Available Hours screen.
  2. A message box will pop up for you to approve the 2-hour extension to the drive and shift clocks. The default notation will read "Adverse conditions per 395.1(b)(1)", but you can edit it or add to it.
  3. Once you've approved the extension, the app will add 2 hours to your available drive time and shift time. The default notation will show on your logs in case of a roadside inspection.

    Two screenshots of the Blue Ink Tech app; one of the HOS screen with the menu open, the other of the Adverse Conditions pop up box for the driver to approve the note and additional 2 hours.