Swap Drive Time with Co-driver

Any automatically recorded Drive time can be swapped with a co-driver that was logged in at the time the driving was recorded.

Request to swap drive time

The driver who currently has the driving event in their logbook has to be the one to initiate the swap.

On the Hours of Service page of the app, find the driving status and hit EDIT.


On the log edit screen, there should be an option to SWAP WITH CODRIVER in light blue. Tap this button to start the swap process.


The app will reload the Hours of Service page, and you should see a popup saying "Waiting for codriver to accept swap" at the bottom of the page. The next steps are for the co-driver to complete.

Accept the request to swap drive time

If sharing a device, the co-driver will need to be the active driver in the app before they can accept the swap request. Go to the Home page of the app and hit the blue circle with two arrows. The co-driver will have to enter their password in the app again.

Now that they are the active driver, there should be a new unresolved issue on the Home page called "Swap Logs".


Tap "GO TO" to see the swap request. Then tap "VIEW" to accept the swap request.

This will take the driver to their Hours of Service page and the Driving status being swapped should be highlighted already. Tap the Accept button at the bottom of the screen.


Once the drive time has been accepted, the original driver's logs should update as well. If sharing devices, the change is immediate. If using separate devices, the original driver will most likely need to log out and back in to the app to see the change right away.