Manage the Maintenance Work List

The Work List is where you can see what maintenance tasks are due, mark tasks complete and resolve inspection issues.

The Maintenance tools in the web portal at include the Work List, where scheduled tasks show by due date to be completed, and Scheduled Tasks, where you can create and manage all maintenance types.

To view maintenance tasks on the Work List, select Maintenance from main navigation, then select Work List.

What will show on the Work List?

Recurring tasks with a time interval will show on the Work List. Recurring tasks set by mileage or operating hours will need to be managed in Scheduled Tasks.

Issues reported by drivers in their daily vehicle inspection report (DVIR) will show on the Work List.

Fault codes thrown by vehicles will show on the Work List.


Use Work List to plan ahead

The Work List makes it easy to see what maintenance needs done soon and which equipment needs to be scheduled for down time.

By default, the date filter is set to show tasks due the previous week and the next two weeks. Click inside the gray "Date Due" box to adjust the date filters.

The table columns are sortable. Click ISSUE or EQUIPMENT in the gray header to sort by those metrics instead of due date. 

Resolve Issues from the Work List

Hover over the due date of any task on the work list to get the "Resolve" button to appear. Click this button to mark the job as complete/resolved.


In the pop-up box, add any relevant notes. This is most important when resolving DVIR issues, as the notes will show on the DVIR page. The resolved issue will be removed from the Work List and marked complete in Scheduled Tasks.


View Completed Tasks

While we hope to add this view to the Work List in future, right now you must go to Scheduled Tasks to see what maintenance tasks have already been completed.

Select any task type from the Scheduled Tasks page to go to the details page.

Click the toggle above the scheduled vehicles list to turn on View Completed Tasks. This view shows the completion history for all equipment that had this maintenance marked as complete. It shows the equipment name, date the work was completed, and who marked it complete.


For resolved DVIR issues, select Compliance from the main navigation then select DVIR. In the table you can find reports with issues and click to see the details and resolution notes.