How-To Video Playlists

List of the knowledge base articles that have training videos for learning to use BIT ELD and Air Scale in the app and website.

BIT ELD Training Series

Click here to go watch the entire playlist on Youtube.

How do I create a BIT Account?

Adding Equipment in the BIT app

Adding a duty status in the BIT app

Viewing previous logs in the BIT app

Editing logs in the BIT app

How do I certify my logs in the app?

Out of hours warning in the BIT app

Roadside Inspection with BIT ELD

Three rules for claiming adverse conditions

Adding and editing documents in the app

Send logs to the DOT during an audit


BIT Air Scale Training Series

Click here to go watch the entire playlist on Youtube.

Where do I install my Air Scale?

How do I assign my Air Scale sensors?

How do I calibrate my Air Scale sensors?

Tare Cargo: why, when, and how to use it

Save and email Air Scale weight tickets


BIT Web Training Series

Click here to go watch the entire playlist on Youtube.

Managing carrier roles

Managing equipment in the web portal

How do I add drivers to my carrier?

Manage BIT Full Service subscriptions

How do I download or print logs?

How do I print IFTA reports?

Activating API keys in the BIT web portal

Manage administrator notifications

Update carrier information

How do I find an itemized receipt from my last order?

Send logs to the DOT during an audit